Re: An old dog, with a new trick..

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So you want to learn php with mysql, good for you, well if you don't know
this is a mailing-list for questions to doubts and in your post you have
none. If you want to learn php a good place to start is the PHPManual and
another good place is search for "php tutorials" you will get
some good links. Is always good to look at the manual before asking
questions. Good Luck.

--- Spanish Version ---
Asi que quieres aprender php y mysql, my bien, caso no sabes esta
mailing-list es para esclarecer dubidas y preguntas y tu no publicaste
ninguna. Si quieres aprender php um buen comienzo era ler el manual de php y
otro buen lugar es busca "php tutoriales" vas encontrar buenos
apontadores para paginas. Es siempre una buena idea dar unas vista de ojos
al manual antes de perguntar. Buena Suerte.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Felipe Eduardo Ortiz López" <tiammat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "lPHP and Databases" <php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <php-es@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
"lPHP For Windows" <php-windows@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "lPHP Para Todos"
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 4:05 AM
Subject:  An old dog, with a new trick..

Bueno, héme aquí, un perro viejo tratando de aprender nuevos trucos.
Comienzo a desarrollar en PHP, con la idea de conectar bases de datos MySQL
y Firebird a las aplicaciones. ¿Me podrían orientar de por dónde comenzar,
libros, sitios, algo así? Les estaré muy agradecido, y disculpen si comienzo
a hacer preguntas tontas...

Well, I'm here, an old dog trying to learn new tricks. I'm starting to
develop in PHP, having the idea to connect MySQL and Firebord databases to
the aplications. Can anyone lend me a hand to have a good starting, bokks,
sites, something else? I'll be very grateful, and very sorry if I'm starting
with the silly questions...

Felipe Eduardo Ortiz López,
Tiammat Software.
Yahoo! Messenger: tiammatsoftware
MSN Messenger: tiammat@xxxxxxxxxxx

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