Mssql - Invalid Column Name

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I hope someone can help me on this one. The following script:

$connect=new db_open("dnlbweb");
foreach($_POST as $key => $val) { $$key=$val; }
$res=mssql_query("SELECT Titel
                FROM indeks
                        join indholdstyper on
                WHERE Titel='$titel' AND indholdstyper.DataTypeID=$dt");
if (mssql_num_rows($res) > 0)
        echo "<h1><p>Denne titel eksisterer allerede: $titel /
else {
        $oprettet = date('d-m-y');
        $query ="INSERT INTO Indeks
                        (Titel, Ptitel, Beskrivelse,
                        AnsvarligID, DaligLederID, InstitutionID,
                        engTitel, engPtitel, engBeskrivelse,
                        Indholdstypeid, disable, oprettelse)
                VALUES (
                        '$titel', '$ptitel', '$bes',
                        $ans, $dag, $inst, $kilde,
                        '$engtitel', '$engptitel', '$engbes',
                         $itype, $dis, getdate() )";
        $res=mssql_query($query) ;  //**** Line 24 ****
        $res=mssql_query("SELECT ID FROM Indeks WHERE Titel='$titel' AND
Ptitel='$ptitel' ORDER BY id DESC");
        list($nyid) = mssql_fetch_row($res);
        if (!$slut<' ') mssql_query("UPDATE Indeks SET  SlutDato='$slut'
WHERE id=$nyid");
        if (!$start <' ') mssql_query("UPDATE Indeks SET
StartDato='$start' WHERE id=$nyid");
        echo "<pre>$query</pre>";
//        header("Location:ny_index3.php?id=$nyid&dt=$dt");

Produces the following output:

Warning: mssql_query() []:
message: Invalid column name 'DataTypeID'. (severity 16) in
E:\InetPub\NonFPWebs\DNLB\admin\indeks\ny_index2.php on line 24 
Warning: mssql_query() []: Query
failed in E:\InetPub\NonFPWebs\DNLB\admin\indeks\ny_index2.php on line
Warning: mssql_query() []:
message: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='. (severity 15) in
E:\InetPub\NonFPWebs\DNLB\admin\indeks\ny_index2.php on line 28 
Warning: mssql_query() []: Query
failed in E:\InetPub\NonFPWebs\DNLB\admin\indeks\ny_index2.php on line
                        (Titel, Ptitel, Beskrivelse,
                        AnsvarligID, DaligLederID, InstitutionID,
                        engTitel, engPtitel, engBeskrivelse,
                        Indholdstypeid, disable, oprettelse)
                VALUES (
                        'TEST', '', 'VR',
                        0, 0, 0, 11,
                        'VDS', '', 'RG',
                         9, 0, getdate() )

So how does DataTypeID get into it? There used to be a column called
'DataTypeID' in the 'indeks' table, but I dropped it during a major
cleanup operation. If i create the column DataTypeID in 'indeks' without
changing the script, I get the following message: 
RAISERROR could not locate entry for error 779069 in sysmessages
Still produced by line 24 in the script.
Anyone got an idea about what is going on???

Regards Henrik Hornemann

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