you need to add a few bits:
in the function:
function tes(){
vtes = theform.vtes.value; #added line
window.location.replace('' + vtes); #altered line
in the body: <form name='theform'>
and </form> before the </html>
may be a bit ott but should work
steve }
Prabu Subroto wrote:
Dear my friends...
I have my code like this : ====== <?php echo " <html> <script language='JavaScript'> function tes(){ document.write('<p>JavaScript</p>'); window.location.replace('$vtes');
} </script> <body> ";
echo "diforward ke javascript";
echo " <select onchange='tes()' name='vtes'> <option value=''></option> <option value='1'>1</option> <option value='2'>2</option> </select> "; ?> </body> </html> ======
I expect this result on url column of my internet browser: "'1' " or "'1' "
But I only get this unexpected result: " "
Lookslike the value of "$vtes" was not passed to JavaScript interpreter.
Anybody of you have a solution for me?
Please teach me.
Thank you very much.
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