I'm a new member to the list and using php of rthe first time. I have decided to use adodb so I can make a dsn-less connection to an access database.
I have managed to get my script to run without errors but thats all.... I've tried using a Select statement but it does nothing...
here's my code:
include("adodb/adodb.inc.php"); // includes the adodb library
$db = ADONewConnection('access');
$dsn = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=http://student.dcu.ie/Project/XtraVision.mdb;Uid=Admin;Pwd=;";
$sql = "SELECT Surname, City FROM Member";
$rs = &$db->Execute($sql);
if (!$rs)
echo $db->ErrorMsg(); // Displays the error message if no results could be returned
while (!$rs->EOF)
echo $rs->fields[0].' '.$rs->fields[1].'<BR>'; // fields[0] is surname, fields[1] is age
$rs->MoveNext(); // Moves to the next row
} // end while
} // end else
Thanx in advance :)
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