Re: php to mysql client problem.

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I've since used different combinations and discovered that I can access the database as long As I don't use Passwords...

I guess it is the Webserver and not the Sql server causing the problem...

Michael G. Tracey wrote:

This is my setup: Not really worried about security.

W2kPro w\sp4
Mysql 5.O
Php 5.0.0.b3 [As CGI]

I can now connect to my server from anywhere using Mysqlcc or another server... home, work, etc.
I can run Php scripts.
I can connect to the Apache Server.

Login to Mysql: Works.
==C:\>mysql -u mike -p
==Enter password: ********
==Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
==Your MySQL connection id is 28 to server version: 5.0.0-alpha-max-nt

==Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

PhpInfo Shows:

==MySQL Support     enabled
==Active Persistent Links      0
==Active Links      0
==Client API version      3.23.57

==Directive      Local Value      Master Value
==mysql.allow_persistent      On      On
==mysql.connect_timeout      60      60
==mysql.default_host      localhost      localhost
==mysql.default_password      no value      no value
==mysql.default_port      3306      3306
==mysql.default_socket      no value      no value
==mysql.default_user      root      root
==mysql.max_links      Unlimited      Unlimited
==mysql.max_persistent      Unlimited      Unlimited
==mysql.trace_mode      Off      Off

I Try to connect from PHP and I get: ==Not connected : Client does not support authentication protocol ==requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

Could this be the Reason?: From the PHP info above.
=="Client API version      3.23.57"==

I'm thinking yes, but since copying the new files to the same directory overwrote all the others, is this the client version for all servers currently?? If not how do I force it to update.

I have all the servers working. I don't really at this point want to delete anything.

Michael G. Tracey

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