William Cheung wrote:
All the system errors are solved. However, the query seems not returning any rows. I got undefined index error on any query returns.
Am I hitting the brick wall? Do PHP and ADODB work with Oracle 9.2? Are there anyone know the answer?
I am using Windows 2K, IIS and Oracle.
The script below works for me with W2K, Apache 1.3, PHP 4.3.3 (and 4.3.5RC1) and ADOdb 4.10.
define("ORA_CON_UN", "hr"); define("ORA_CON_PW", "hr"); define("ORA_CON_DB", "");
function error($w, $m) { echo "$w: $m"; die; }
$db = ADONewConnection("oci8"); if (!@$db->Connect(false, ORA_CON_UN, ORA_CON_PW, ORA_CON_DB)) error('Error connecting', $db->ErrorMsg());
if (!$rs = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM DUAL")) error('Error selecting', $db->ErrorMsg());
$row = $rs->FetchRow(); echo "<pre>"; var_dump($row); echo "</pre>";
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