Your question makes very little sense to me. PHP is not a database obviously. Also, MySQL has foreign keys and triggers and it can do cascading actions. So I don't understand what you are talking about. -Rasmus On Tue, 28 Oct 2003, Morten Gulbrandsen wrote: > MySQL as database for PHP, > > Hello Programmers, > > MySQL is performing very fast and runs rock stable under high load, > But it is not ANSI SQL compatible. > > I have an interesting thread about this issue under > Newsgroups: comp.databases.theory > > Subject: Re: Is mySQL a RDBMS? > This also contains SQL code incompatible to the present version of MySQL. > > My question is: can PHP give MySQL the missing relational properties? > > Is it possible to remedy the limitations of MySQL concerning > FOREIGN KEYS? > Actions, > REFERENCES > and triggers > > through PHP? > > ON DELETE SET DEFAULT > For instance: I think could be solved through additional coding, > But what about the other missing SQL statements? > > > REFERENCES > ON DELETE CASCADE > ON UPDATE CASCADE > > I feel the basic database functionality has to be > Implemented without PHP, PHP is an interface between the relational > database, > the web server and the browser and is > Not suited to code beyond the limitations of any relational database. > > Is this correct ? > > In other words, > has anyone succeeded in implementing an SQL RDBMS solely in PHP ? > > > Yours Sincerely > > Morten Gulbrandsen > > -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: