Hello I'm trying to use the OCINewCollection function, but if I don't specify the 'schema' parameter for this function, then I get the 'ocinewcollection(): OCI8 Recursive call!' error message, and the page never appears (I must restart IIS). If I give a typename, that does not exsits on the Oracle server, then it ends up with the same results. If I specify the 3. parameter, then I always get the 'type not found' message (OCI-22303), and the php-variable gets bool(false) value. Oracle: CREATE TYPE "AR"."T1" AS TABLE OF NUMBER(6, 0) CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "AR"."GETTABLE" ( aaa out t1 ) is begin aaa:=t1(10); end; Php: <?php echo 'aaa'; $c=OCILogon("ar","ar"); $s=OCIParse($c,"begin gettable(:b); end;"); $bb=OCINewCollection($c,"t1"); echo var_dump($bb); OCIBindByName($s,"b",&$bb,-1,OCI_B_SQLT_NTY); OCIExecute($s); OCIFreeStatement($s); echo 'bbb'; ?> What's wrong? Thanx. LL