From: "Dillon, John" <> > Hm. Adjusted error_reporting to none. Why would I still get: > > "Forbidden > You don't have permission to access /method="post" on this server. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- > ---- > Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80" Nothing to do with PHP. Seems like your server will not allow you to use the POST method... > And if I use the address: http://localhost/apics3.php?ID=349 it complains > about undefined variable, ID. > > "<b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: ID in <b>c:\program files\apache > group\apache\htdocs\apics3.php</b> on line <b>11</b><br />" Because of your error_reporting level. You say you changed it, but do the changes reflect in a phpinfo() page? > My php.ini contains: > <quote> > ; This directive tells PHP whether to declare the argv&argc variables (that > ; would contain the GET information). If you don't use these variables, you > ; should turn it off for increased performance. > register_argc_argv = On > <unquote> Nothing to do with error reporting. This is mainly used for the command line. > Sounds like I've adjusted the wrong file. I have only one php.ini file in > c:\winnt (apart from the one in c:\php\backup), the one in > c:/PHP/php-4.3.2-Win32 is called php.ini-dist and php.ini-recommended. I > haven't touched these. Should I? You should have copied one of those files to create your initial php.ini. Take a look at the output of phpinfo() and it'll tell you where PHP is reading it's php.ini file in the first block. If a path is shown, but no php.ini file at the end, that's where PHP is expecting to find the php.ini file, but it's not there. If a full path to php.ini is shown, then that's the file you should be editing. Finally, and the key to all of this, I think: restart your web server after you make a change to php.ini. ---John Holmes... -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: