$table="elements"; $sql="insert into $table set Name = '$elementName'";
This works with register_globals set to on. But, I want to be able to turn that off. My code then, I am guessing, be something as follows:
$table="elements"; $sql="insert into $table set Name = '$_POST["elementName"]'";
Unfortunately this and every other combination I can think of, combinations of quotes that is, does not work. I believe the source of the problem is the quotes within quotes within quotes. I also tried:
$sql='insert into $table set Name = '.$_POST["elementName"]; or $sql="insert into $table set Name = ".$_POST['elementName'];
and several other variations.
Can anyone give me some pointers to inserting $_POST[] statements inside of query statements? I am sure there must be a way but I have spent a lot of time on this and am really stumped here. Thanks for any help.
-Adam Reiswig
PS if anything here is not clear to you, please let me know and I'll clarify as I can. Thanks again.
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