On Mon, 22 Sep 2003, Frank McIsaac wrote:
> Hi all. I was wanting to make a page that takes a set date and
> counts down to zero displaying days, minutes, and seconds. Basically, I
> want it to count down from the current date and time until a future date
> and time is reached (ie. Sept. 30th is x days, y minutes, and z seconds
> away from right now). Is this possible? If so, how. Thanks for the
> help.
$futuretime = strtotime("9/30/2003 12:00:00");
$difftime = $futuretime - time();
$days = (int)($difftime/86400);
$leftover = $difftime%86400;
$minutes = (int)($leftover/1440);
$leftover = $leftover%1440;
$seconds = $leftover;
printf("Future Time is %d day%s, %d minute%s, and %d second%s away from
now.", $days, $days==1?"":"s",
$minutes, $minutes==1?"":"s",
$seconds, $seconds==1?"":"s");
Peter Beckman Internet Guy
beckman@purplecow.com http://www.purplecow.com/
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