OK, now I am really sure it has to do with the vars I defined from my text file... Once I have the text file open, I'm looping through it... // pull RETURN off the end $trimmed = rtrim($lines[$x]); // Pull apart array element list($strDate,$strNum,$strName) = explode ("\t", $trimmed); // Make the Dte a mySQL Date Object $objDate = new Date($strDate); // Spit it out to double check what I've got echo '>' . $strDate . '< - >' . $strNum . '< - >' . $strName . '< <p />'; // populate the array $aryFieldsValues = array( 'eps_id' => $x, 'eps_name' => $strName, 'eps_num' => $strNum, 'eps_air_date' => $strDate); // do the query $objResult = $db->autoExecute('cbs_eps', $aryFieldsValues, DB_AUTOQUERY_INSERT); This will insert NOTHING but the 'eps_id' which comes from the loop index. Now, I added this before the array population... $strDate = '2002-01-09'; $strNum = '102'; $strName = 'myName'; THIS WORKED! This data was INSERTed into the database! OK, riddle me this Batman! God, I'm so lost! Any ideas? Walter -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php