if there are line feeds in the text, you can use the function nl2br($text); www.php.net/nl2br if you require more, you may have to add logic. around headers/titles etc... hth jeff "Neilmar" <aveloop@neilmar. To: <php-db@lists.php.net> com> cc: Subject: Text output from Mysql 08/01/2003 11:09 AM Hi everyone, How do you include linebreaks, paragraphs etc into text output from a mysql database with php through a loop for all the records in a text field? This is not row formatting but column info formatting e.g. story_abc TEXT; Format text in story_abc field see e.g. www.neilmar.com/falmouth/fal_current_events.php It is all just running together. Do I place a code in the text body itself in the mysql field? Help! Help! Thanks Neil -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php