i am wrote a script to read e-malis from a file and insert it into the tables of database
i get error when i write it
here is the code
can anyone tell me what is wrong?
<? $mails=file("mails.txt"); $number_of_mails = count($mails);
for ($i=0; $i<$number_of_mails; $i++){
@ $db = mysql_connect("localhost");
$query = "insert into recipients (recipient_name, recipient_email) values ('"friend"', '".$mails[$i]."')";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($result)
echo mysql_affected_rows()." affected.";
} ?>
here is the error that i get
Parse error: parse error in enter.php on line 9
and line 9 is
$query = "insert into recipients (recipient_name, recipient_email) values ('"friend"', '".$mails[$i]."')";
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