hi, i put a script together to scan a directory and its subdirectories for all mp3 files. the tag informations and path then should be put into a mysql database. i included a script called mphp3.php from http://res.crea-bmb.de/mphp3/ which returns the needed tag info from one file. the script to recursively scan a dir i got from groups.google. using the mphp3.php with one file is simple (demo from website): <? include("mphp3.php"); $info = New mphp3(2); $info->load("test.mp3"); echo $info->title." is a nice song. it's encoded with".$info-> bitrate."kbps."; ?> my code to include the db: <? include("mphp3.php"); mysql_connect("","user","password") or die ("no connect to db"); mysql_select_db("music") or die ("db does not exist"); function scan_dir($dir) { $info = New mphp3(2); $handle = @opendir($dir); while ($file = @readdir ($handle)) { if (eregi("^\.{1,2}$",$file)) { continue; } if(is_dir($dir.$file)) { scan_dir($dir.$file."/"); } else { $info->load("/".$dir.$file); $query ="insert into mp3 ( file, path, artist, title, album) values ( '$info2->filename', '$dir', '$info2->v2_artist', '$info2->v2_title', '$info2->v2_album');"; mysql_query($query); } } @closedir($handle); } scan_dir("mp3/"); ?> but all it does is to put the path ($dir) into the database. everything else is ignored. an error does not occur. since the simple demo works fine i think its a problem with the validity of variables. i'm new to php, so could anybody give me a hint on what mightbe wrong with my code please? thanx a lot -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php