Re: PHP sort from a database variable..?

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ok, add the following lines to your ingress.lib-file:

    // converts any array to an instance of the ingress-class
    function array2IngressClass($array)
        $inst = new ingress();
        while(list($key, $val) = each($array))
            $inst->$key = $val;
        return $inst;
    // converts any class into an array
    function class2Arr($class)
        return (array)$class;
    // sorts arrays comeing from hentIngresser() descending
    function sortClassArray($array)
        $arr = array();
        $sArr = array();
        foreach($array as $ent)
            $arr[] = class2Arr($ent);
            $sArr[] = $ent->publisertLang;
        array_multisort($arr, SORT_DESC, $sArr);
        $cM = count($arr);
        for($c = 0; $c < $cM; $c++)
            $arr[$c] = array2IngressClass($arr[$c]);
        return $arr;

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