hi! we need information about how the array looks like! please add the following to your script (after merging $i1 and $i2): echo '<pre>'; print_r($ingresser); echo '</pre>'; and send the resulting output! you can use array_multisort for this problem. anyways i propose to write your own news-tool. sorting is really easy if you use SQL - if you cant code one yourselve i would ask the programmer of this newsmodule to add a sort-parameter to his functions. .ma A. Lyse <allyse@hardware.no> wrote@03.06.2003 23:23 Uhr: > Please dont kill me for posting here. I dont know where else to post. I'm a > newbie and is completly stuck with a php problem :( > > I got this code (among with more though...): > > *********************** > $i1=hentIngresser($nettstedid,38,$sprakid,$offsetannet,$antallmotor); > $i2=hentIngresser($nettstedid,39,$sprakid,$offsetannet,$antallmotor); > > > if($ingresser = array_merge($i1 ,$i2)) > listIngresser($ingresser); > > > else > echo 'Det oppstod en feil ved henting av ingresser.'; > ************************** > > This code produce the article feeds on this site: > http://www.amotor.no/artikler.php > > The articles are feeded from $i1 and $i2, but as you can see on the dates > the newest article does not come first (the code first lists the $i1 THEN > $i2) but what I want is to get the newest on date first, then older and > older. > > I talked to the owner of the script and he said that he had a variable named > "$publisertLang; //Publish date of the article in format: yyyymmddhhmmss" > He said I could sort the "$ingresser" (the merged $i1 and $i2) with the > $publisertLand as parameter on listIngresser, but the problem I dont know > how to do that. I've looked through php.net and tryed all sort commands I've > found. > > Can somebody please help me? > > P.S Excuse my bad English. It's not my native language. > > Regards, > A. Lyse > > -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php