Hi, I'm working on an Access/PHP site and am having a problem updating a record. I get a SQL syntax error. This is the SQL query being sent: update Extracts SET (Expiry_date=27/05/2003, Production='Heron') WHERE ID=134 I've tried enclosing the date variable in ' ' but with no different result. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm fairly sure its the date format that's creating the problem. Cheers George === George Pitcher HERON Technical Manager Ingenta plc 23-38 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford, OX1 2ET T +44 (0)1865 799051 direct T +44 (0)1865 799000 switchboard F +44 (0)1865 799134 E george.pitcher@ingenta.com www.ingenta.com Ingenta: Empowering the exchange of academic and professional content online. -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php