I can't seem to find out why I am getting two copies of the same entry in my database. =============================================================== print "Pending Payment - Adding to Database<br>"; $query = "INSERT INTO payments (subscr_id, pmt_date, txn_id, exchange_rate, amt_paid, payment_status, pending_reason, payer_email, payer_id, payer_status, verify_sign, paypal_fee) VALUES( '$subscr_id','$payment_date','$txn_id','$exchange_rate', '$mc_gross','$payment_status','$pending_reason','$payer_email', '$payer_id','$payer_status','$verify_sign','$mc_fee')"; $result = mysql_query( $query, $link ); if ( ! $result ) die ( "Unable to Add Payment to Database: ".mysql_error() ); print "Pending payment - Added to Database<br>"; =============================================================== The print statements at the beginning and end only run once. The script is not called from anywhere else. I don't have any other scripts running to insert the same info. When I "//" out the query, nothing is added to the database. I have a very similar script for adding a customer to another datbase and now it's doing the same thing. Could it be possible that I change some sort of setting in mysql? S. Cole -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php