I'm not using MySql I'm using Postgresql..
Here is my query..Can't combine them...I have to compute for the sum of the $poqty and $soqty..
// for so_qty $sql="SELECT CASE WHEN MAX(a.part_alternate_id) isNull THEN t.part_id ELSE ( SELECT part_alternate_child_id FROM part_alternate q WHERE q.part_alternate_id=( SELECT MAX(b.part_alternate_id) FROM part_alternate b WHERE b.part_alternate_parent_id=t.part_id)) END AS part_id, SUM(t.quantity) AS sodqty, t.part_id AS parent_id FROM temp_so_parts_sum t LEFT JOIN part_alternate a ON t.part_id=a.part_alternate_parent_id LEFT JOIN part p ON t.part_id=p.part_id WHERE userid=$users_id and part_model_id=$model_id GROUP BY t.part_id";
$rs=$conn->execute($sql); $result->set_resultset($rs); while(!$result->EOF()) { $temp=$result->get_row($rs); $soqty[$temp["part_id"]]=$temp["sodqty"]; $result->move_next(); }
$result=new pg_resultset;
//for poqty
$sql="SELECT pod_part_supp_id,part_id ,(SUM(pod_qty) * part_divisor) AS podqty
FROM vw_purchase_order_detail
WHERE po_lot_id IN (
SELECT lot_id
FROM lot
WHERE lot_model_id=$model_id AND lot_id
BETWEEN $from_lot_id AND $to_lot_id
AND po_model_id=$model_id
GROUP BY pod_part_supp_id,part_id,part_divisor ";
while(!$result->EOF()) {
// got all the part_id's from this table/view..
$sql2="SELECT * FROM vw_part_supplier
LEFT JOIN model ON part_model_id=model_id
WHERE part_model_id=$model_id ORDER BY supplier_code, part_name, part_longcode";
$result=new pg_resultset;
while(!$result->EOF()) {
Marie Gezeala M. Bacuño II Information Systems Department
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