The best thing, that I can think of...
Is to mount the NT volume on the unix box, using Samba.
You should then be able to use the files as you like.
On Monday, May 12, 2003, at 10:12 AM, wrote:
Hi All
I have a situation like this
1) Auth a user against MySql db - Done this no problem
2) send a basic auth pair to a NT box from my UNIX Php box to auth me into
the NT box and make available to me some files on the NT box.
Number two is the problem. How do I auth myself into the NT box from my UNIX
box using Php on the UNIX box?
It is MySql related as the file list from the NT box is being parsed and
loaded into the MySql db for analysing.
Any ideas or examples would be most appreciated.
Thank you in advance
Dave C
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