Hi all! I'm having a big problem here using PHP with Oracle CLOBs.
PHP 4, Oracle 8, Apache.
Table: ContentID - Number Content - CLOB
My New ID is stored in the variable $NewID and the content in $NewContent <- I'm sending 5000 characters
My code is below:
$DBlink = ocilogon($DBUser,$DBPwd,$DBName);
$Clob = OCINewDescriptor($DBlink, OCI_D_LOB);
$query = "INSERT INTO TableName (ContentID, Content) VALUES ($NewID, EMPTY_CLOB()) returning Content into :THE_CLOB";
$DBresult = ociparse($DBlink, $query);
OCIBindByName($DBresult, ":THE_CLOB", &$Clob, -1, OCI_B_CLOB);
OCIExecute($DBresult, OCI_DEFAULT);
$result = true;
} else{
$result = false;
OCILogOff ($DBlink);
Everything works ok but the code above only insert 4000 characters or less, does anybody know how to fix it???
Thank you!!
Jadiel Flores ------------------------- http://www.abargon.com jflores@abargon.com (52-55) 52-29-80-34
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