Re: php 4.0.5 to php 4.2.2

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I developed the function importVars to make my life easier. And I use it ALL the time!!! I had a PHP application which would assume that all variables would be globalised, and then I upgraded my PHP version (obviously I then had many broken pages). To fix this, I only had to add a line or two to my pages and it was all fixed! (You must put the function into a file that is included at the top of every page)

importVars($_GET); // import all variables from $_GET

// or we use this

importVars($_GET,'id'); // import only $id
importVars($_POST,'name,email,comment'); // import $name, $email and $comment

To the best of my knowledge this is secure. This function also allows you to reference variables that you would expect (but may not actually appear).

Eg. mypage.php?var1=something

We're expecting $var1 and $var2 in the querystring, but $var2 does not exist

so in our code we will have this:


if (!$var1) echo 'where is var1?';
if (!$var2) echo 'where is var2?';

Anyways, there's a few more advantages, but I think you get the picture.



 Credit given to: Maxim Maletsky <>
 Alter variables for the versions prior to 4.1.0
 NOTE: $_REQUEST global variable is NOT supported.
if (strnatcasecmp('4.1.0', PHP_VERSION) >= 0) {
  '_GET'      => 'HTTP_GET_VARS',
  '_POST'     => 'HTTP_POST_VARS',
  '_ENV'      => 'HTTP_ENV_VARS',
  ) as $transvar['new'] => $transvar['old']) {
  if (isset($$transvar['old']) and is_array($$transvar['old'])) {
   $GLOBALS[$transvar['new']] = &$$transvar['old'];
 // Unset transvar, we do not need it anymore.

| Function: importVars() v1 7/10/02
| Author: Adam Royle 2002 -
| Used for: Importing variables into global scope from $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, etc.
| Params:  $arrVarType - $_GET | $_POST | $_SESSION | $_COOKIES | $_SERVER | $_ENV
|   $strVarList - specify which variables to import (comma delimited string)
|      - if this is not supplied it imports all variables
|   $strSlashes - specifies whether to add slashes or remove slashes
|      - it reads your php.ini setting of magic_quotes so it doesn't 
|      - double slash automatically
| Examples: 
|   importVars($_GET,'pageID, ref');  // gets pageID and ref from querystring
|   importVars($_SESSION,'admin');   // gets admin from session
|   importVars($_POST);     // grabs all post data
|   importVars($_COOKIES,'userDesc','STRIP'); // gets userDesc from cookies
|               and strips slashes

function importVars(&$arrVarType, $strVarList='', $strSlashes='ADD')
 if (!trim($strVarList)){
  // import all variables from $arrVarType
  foreach($arrVarType as $var => $value){
   $GLOBALS[$var] = $value;
 } else {
  // only import variables in $strVarList
  $arrVarList = explode(',',$strVarList);
  foreach($arrVarList as $var){
   $var = trim($var);
   if (isset($arrVarType[$var])){
    if (strtoupper($strSlashes) == 'ADD' && !get_magic_quotes_gpc()){
      $GLOBALS[$var] = addslashes($arrVarType[$var]);
    } elseif (strtoupper($strSlashes) == 'STRIP' && get_magic_quotes_gpc()){
      $GLOBALS[$var] = stripslashes($arrVarType[$var]);
    } else {
     $GLOBALS[$var] = $arrVarType[$var];
   } else {
    $GLOBALS[$var] = '';

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