RE: Is there a short way to?

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You can do an insert for your first "relevant bit" and use updates for each consecutive bit. If you use the function mysql_insert_id to set a hidden field in pages 2-n of your forms to the key field that you just inserted and you don't have any not null constraints on the following fields.



<form action="page2.php">
<input name='myFirstField'>

$q = "insert into table (myFirstField) values ('$myFirstField')";
$insertedID = mysql_insert_id($con); ?>
<form action="page3.php">
<input name='mySecondField'>
<input type='hidden' name='insertedID' value='<?PHP echo $insertedID; ?>'>

$q = "update table set mySecondField='$mySecondField' where IDtable = $insertedID";
mysql_query($q,$con); ?>
<form action="page4.php">
<input name='myThirdField'>
<input type='hidden' name='insertedID' value='<?PHP echo $insertedID; ?>'>

and so on and so on...

<>< Ryan

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Carrera []
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 7:30 AM
Subject:  Is there a short way to?

Hi All

I have a MySql table that I am trying to post data from a form (basic
stuff but wait a minute)

It has thirty cols but what I am trying to do is not have a form with 30
fields but split it into little relevant bits and post them bits as I

My question is do I HAVE to "insert into table
(name,all,the,30,cols,here) values(var1,var2,var3,and,so,on)

Or is there a glamorous way of only putting the data from the form into
the affected rows?

And help, examples or online resources very much appreciated.

Thank You

Dave C

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