addslashes() |-----Original Message----- |From: Paul Chvostek [] |Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2003 3:18 PM |To: |Subject: storing bzcompressed data in MySQL | | | |I've got an automated system that will be storing text files of up to |about 20k. In peak times, I expect to have two to three million of |these text files "on demand", though in reality they'll be expired *way* |more often than they're referenced. | |To save space, I'd like to store the text using bzcompress(), but when I |use a construct like this: | |$q = "INSERT INTO item (bztext) ('" . bzcompress($text,9) . "')"; | |But running the query gets my mysql_error() results of |You have an error in your SQL syntax near '$¢icÍeÖ3?ÒmX®"" |EèÓÊÊA*"("M0¤´è,¨ |ÚP#®ïsÂüÞ´+Ò÷jW6%e VdÁ' at line 2 | |It seems that the bzcompressed data includes single (and double) quotes. | |Is the solution here to encode everything using htmlspecialchars(), thus |using extra resources for both inbound and outbound data? Or will it |suffice to str_replace("'","''",bzcompress($text,9)) ? Are there other |things that will break? | |Or is there some other preferred method to ensure accurate storage of |blocks of binary data? | |Thanks. :) | |-- | Paul Chvostek <> | Operations / Abuse / Whatever | it.canada, hosting and development | | |-- |PHP Database Mailing List ( |To unsubscribe, visit: | | | -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: