Hi Phper's I am returning some dates from a rescordset. At Present it displays something like this. 10May 09Apr 09Apr 08Apr 08Apr 08Apr 08Apr I have broken up the string so I can display the Motnth (May) and the Day (10) as I please. I am hoping to be able to display the records like this below. But am having trouble achieving a while or a do while. May 10 Apr 09, 08, 08, 08, 08 I have something like this and of course it is wrong...;0) // code for displaying the month and the days in that month horizontally across while ($slctArchiverow = mysql_fetch_array... //fetching the array // obtaining the month and day from the string $getMonth = substr($slctArchiverow[diaryMonth],3); //month $getDay = substr($slctArchiverow[diaryMonth],0,2); //day echo $getMonth; //displays the month (May) do //display the days that are within May { echo $getDay; //display the string which is the day of the month echo ", "; } while ($getMonth == $getMonth); //while the month is equal to May echo "<br>"; } } Is it possible to do it in this way or do I need to use if statements for each month of the year?? eg. if ($getMonth = May) // and so on for all 12 months. What are your thoughts?? -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php