I am trying to use the ocicollection functions. Initially everything works fine, but after reloading the page for the second time I get the following error: OCITypeByName: OCI-22303: type "SISTRUT"."MENSERRO" not found When I try half a minute later, I do manage reload the page without any error. I'm using php-4.2.2 on solaris 2.6 as a module of apache_1.3.26. The php-code I used for this test follows: <? $conn = OCILogon("scott","tiger","db"); $sql = "BEGIN :SAIDA := SISTRUT.PK_UF.SEL(:CURSOR,:COD_UF); END;"; $stmt = OCIParse($conn, $sql); OCIBindByName($stmt,':COD_UF',&$cod_uf,32); $saidacoll = OCINewCollection($conn,"MENSERRO","SISTRUT"); OCIBindByName($stmt,':SAIDA',&$saidacoll,-1,OCI_B_SQLT_NTY); $curs = OCINewCursor($conn); OCIBindByName($stmt,":CURSOR",$curs,-1,OCI_B_CURSOR); OCIExecute($stmt); $nmenserro = ocicollsize($saidacoll); for ($i = 0; $i < $nmenserro; $i++) $saida[]= $ocicollgetelem($saidacoll,$i); ocifreecollection($saidacol); if ( !$nmenserro ) { OCIExecute($curs); while (OCIFetchinto($curs,$r,OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) { foreach ( $r as $k=>$v ) print "$v "; print "<br>\n"; } } ocifreecursor($curs); ?> the PL/SQL code for the function: create or replace type menserro is varray(20) of varchar2(100); function sel(p_cursor out ufcurtyp, p_cod_uf in uf.cod_uf%type ) return menserro is v_sql varchar2(200); v_menserro menserro := menserro(); begin v_sql := 'select * from uf'; if p_cod_uf is not null then v_sql := v_sql || ' where cod_uf='''|| p_cod_uf || ''''; end if; v_sql := v_sql || ' order by nom_uf'; open p_cursor for v_sql; return null; exception when others then begin v_menserro.extend; v_menserro(v_menserro.count) := 'Erro na execução do select'; return v_menserro; end; end sel; -------------------------------------------------------------------- Andries Algera CSR - IBAMA SAIN L4, Lote 4, Ed. IBAMA Sede 70800.200 Brasilia / DF BRASIL ph: +5561 316-1326 316-1453 fax:+5561 223-7108 -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php