There's nothing like RTFM to douse the fire in a rant. <quote> 4.2.3 Startup Options for mysqld Concerning Security The following mysqld options affect security: --local-infile[=(0|1)] If one uses --local-infile=0 then one can't use LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE. <end quote> This setting has been defaulted to 0 in recent releases. You can read more than you probably want to here: MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: PHHPmyadmin is a good gui, but I prefer sqlyog which you'll find at hth, Doug On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 13:46:23 -0700, Sparky Kopetzky wrote: >ARGGHHH!!! > >Trying to use INFILE to load a small (125) entry block of data and all MqSql does is puke: > >ERROR 1148: The used command is not allowed with this MySql version. (3.23.55) > >If this command is no good, then what the hell am I supposed to use???? > >At least with MS, you have a nice, GUI to use... > >Robin Kopetzky >Black Mesa Computers/ISP > -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: