this is my code to retrieve info from my mysql db. This works perfect, but what i also want is a column before this column. In the first column, i want to see the field names from my table. So instead of selecting the info of the field names "uitbater","straatnaam",... , I want to get "uitbater" itself.
How can I do this?
$result = mysql_query("SELECT uitbater, straatnaam, postcode, gemeente, provincie, telefoon, fax, email FROM info_general") or die (mysql_error());
$num = mysql_numrows($result);
print"<table width=200 border=1>\n";
while ($get_info = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
foreach ($get_info as $field) print "\t<tr><td>$field</td></tr>\n";
} print "</table>\n"; mysql_close();
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