Always use a DB when you can, makes it much easier to change params. Here's a snippet you can use: ################### SELECT BOX CODE ####################### echo ' <td><SELECT NAME="change" SIZE="1">'; $sql = "SELECT * from ai.reports order by name"; $selections = get_rowset($conn_id,$sql); foreach($selections as $selection){ echo '<OPTION'; $reptmp = $selection['name']; if ($val == $reptmp){ echo ' SELECTED'; } echo '>' . $selection['name']; } echo '</select></td>'; ########################################################## CAVEATS: The get_rowset is a function we've written for retrieving an array from the DB The if $val == $reptmp is to check for whatshould be selected Gary Every Sr. UNIX Administrator Ingram Entertainment (615) 287-4876 "Pay It Forward" -----Original Message----- From: Roland Perez [] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 11:03 AM To: Subject: Code for drop down lists I am a novice to PHP and am trying toget a survey with drop down lists. I am stuck as to if I should connect to the DB (MySQL DB) to get the values from a table or do I imbed them in the php file? Thanks for any help in advance. Roland Perez -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: