Here is the working code... <?php require_once("/www/DW/prod.lib.php"); $hr = date("G"); if ($hr > 7) { $sql = mysql("Calendar2","SELECT B.Title, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(A.StartDate), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(A.StopDate) FROM `phpCalendar_Details` AS B, `phpCalendar_Daily` AS A WHERE A.CalendarDetailsID = B.CalendarDetailsID AND CURDATE() BETWEEN A.StartDate AND A.StopDate") or die(mysql_error()); $mid = mktime (0,0,0,date("m") ,date("d")+1,date("Y")); } else { $sql = mysql("Calendar2","SELECT B.Title, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(A.StartDate), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(A.StopDate) FROM `phpCalendar_Details` AS B, `phpCalendar_Daily` AS A WHERE A.CalendarDetailsID = B.CalendarDetailsID AND CURDATE()-2 BETWEEN A.StartDate AND A.StopDate") or die(mysql_error()); $sql2 = mysql("Calendar2","SELECT B.Title FROM `phpCalendar_Details` AS B, `phpCalendar_Daily` AS A WHERE A.CalendarDetailsID = B.CalendarDetailsID AND CURDATE() BETWEEN A.StartDate AND A.StopDate") or die(mysql_error()); $res2 = mysql_fetch_row($sql2); $new = $res2[0]; $mid = mktime (0,0,0,date("m") ,date("d")-2,date("Y")); } $res = mysql_fetch_row($sql); $sa = $res[0]; $start = $res[1]; $stop = $res[2]; $day1 = date("l", $start); $date1 = date("jS", $start); $month1 = date("F", $start); $day3 = date("l", $stop); $date3 = date("jS", $stop); $month3 = date("F", $stop); if ($day1 == "Friday") { $day2 = date("l", $mid); $date2 = date("jS", $mid); $month2 = date("F", $mid); if ($month1 != $month2) { $line2 = "$month1 $date1, $month2 $date2 and $date3"; } elseif ($month2 != $month3) { $line2 = "$month1 $date1 and $date2, and $month3 $date3"; } else { $line2 = "$month1 $date1, $date2, and $date3"; } $line1 = "ONCALL SA for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday"; } else { if ($month1 != $month3) { $line2 = "$month1 $date1 and $date3"; } else { $line2 = "$month1 $date1 and $month3 $date3"; } $line1 = "ONCALL SA for $day1 and $day3"; } mysql_select_db($database, $Prod); $query = "SELECT name, pager FROM contacts_sa WHERE sbcuid='$sa'"; $said = mysql_query($query, $Prod) or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($said); $name = $row[0]; $pager = $row[1]; if ($date3 == date("jS", $stop) && $hr < 8) { $query2 = "SELECT name FROM contacts_sa WHERE sbcuid='$new'"; $said2 = mysql_query($query2, $Prod) or die(mysql_error()); $row2 = mysql_fetch_row($said2); $name2 = $row2[0]; $line4 = "Please be aware the On-Call turnover occurs at 8AM. <br>The oncoming SA after 8AM will be $name2."; } else { $line4 = "$name begins On-Call at 8AM on $day1."; } ?> <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body> <h2 align="center"><span lang="en-us">CALL 214-741-6961 <br> FOR CURRENT ONCALL STATUS.</span></h2> <hr color="#6363C9" size="3" width="50%"> <p align="center"><?php echo $line1; ?><br> </span>(<span lang="en-us"><?php echo $line2; ?></span>) <br> <span lang="en-us"><?php echo $name; ?> </span>(pager <span lang="en-us"> <?php echo $pager; ?>)<br> <?php echo $line4; ?></span></p> <hr color="#6363C9" size="3" width="50%"> </body> </html> The portion of PHP code prior to the HTML is inserted at the top of the file in the broken page. Here is how the HTML portion of the PHP is inserted... <snip...> <td background="images/bg_leftside.gif" width="20"> </td> <td width="20" background="images/bg_main.gif"> </td> <td width="550" background="images/bg_main.gif" valign="top"> <p align="left" dynamicanimation="fpAnimOutflyBottomRightFP1" id="fpAnimOu tflyBottomRightFP1" style="position: relative !important" onclick="dynAnimOut(th is)" language="Javascript1.2"> </p> <h2 align="center"><span lang="en-us">CALL 214-741-6961 <br> FOR CURRENT ONCALL STATUS.</span></h2> <hr color="#6363C9" size="3" width="50%"> <p align="center"><?php echo $line1; ?><br> </span>(<span lang="en-us"><?php echo $line2; ?></span>) <br> <span lang="en-us"><?php echo $name; ?> </span>(pager <span lang="en-us "> <?php echo $pager; ?>)<br> <?php echo $line4; ?></span></p> <hr color="#6363C9" size="3" width="50%"> <h4 align="center"><span lang="en-us">For escalation procedures, <a href="on-call/escalation.htm">click here.</a></span></h4> <h4 align="center"><span lang="en-us">For restore requests call the Help Desk</span></h4> <...snip> -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 11:09 AM To: NIPP, SCOTT V (SBCSI) Subject: RE: Weird PHP behavior... well show the working code and then show just a portion of the code that is broken specifically where you are trying to inslucde the working code. K. "NIPP, SCOTT V (SBCSI)" <> 02/06/2003 12:09 PM To: "''" <> cc: Subject: RE: Weird PHP behavior... I can show the code, but do I show the working code? If I show the broken code, it is REALLY long. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 11:06 AM To: NIPP, SCOTT V (SBCSI) Subject: Re: Weird PHP behavior... It might help if you showed the code or at least part of it to help track down your problem. khris "NIPP, SCOTT V (SBCSI)" <> 02/06/2003 12:05 PM To: "''" <> cc: Subject: Weird PHP behavior... I developed some dynamic content for a larger web page, and once I pasted the code into the appropriate area of the page I am seeing the strangest error. Here is the error: Warning: Failed opening '/www/DW/index1.htm' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in Unknown on line 0 I have tried this on 2 different servers running 2 different versions of PHP, 4.1.2 and 4.2.3. The code was developed and tested in a blank page and then inserted into a much larger page developed in FrontPage 2002. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Scott Nipp Phone: (214) 858-1289 E-mail: Web: http:\\ -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: