> is there a limit to how many "where" statements one can > include in a query? No... > i am wondering if i can add this: > where createdate >= subdate(now(),interval 1 month)" > > to this: > $obj = mysql_db_query($dbname,"select a.*,s.name as > subcategory_name,c.name as category_name from ads a,subcategory > s,category c where a.subcategory=s.id and s.category=c.id and > a.subcategory=$id and a.que='checked'"); Just add it onto the end ... a.que='checked' and createdate >= subdate(now(), interval 1 month)"); You could have had the answer yourself in seconds if you'd of just tried it. ---John Holmes... -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php