i still am having a problem.
can you see what is wrong with what i've got. and... thank
you. best regards, addison ellis
this is what is printing:
2Bedroom/2Bath great From Campus Available imm 500.00 Contact: 321-1791
it is not printing the property_type and it is not following my \n commands.
here's the code:
// Begin Ad Block
$count = 0;
$id = 50;
$obj = mysql_db_query($dbname,"select a.*,s.name as
subcategory_name,c.name as category_name from ads a,subcategory
s,category c where a.subcategory=s.id and s.category=c.id and
a.subcategory=$id and a.que='checked'");
if ($obj && mysql_num_rows($obj)>0) {
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($obj))
<? echo
{$row->distance} From Campus
Available {$row->date_available}\n
Contact: {$row->contact}";
</font><font color="#000000" size="2" face="Arial,
Helvetica, sans-serif"><br />
<img src="../images/thin_line.gif" width="185" height="1"><br>
// End Ad Block
thanks again...
Addison Ellis
small independent publishing co.
114 B 29th Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37203
(615) 321-1791
subsidiaries of small independent publishing co.