Explode all folders to all levels? A exploding nodes... A drop down lets user select number of generations and the execution shows the trees being populated... I have been trying to find the code to execute this MySql table Dogs: ID AutoNumber Primary Key RegName Text Sex Yes/No Dame Long Int Indexed, Dups OK Sire Long Int Indexed, Dups OK table DogTree: ID Long Int Primary Key Generation Long Int RegName Text Sex Yes/No Dame Long Int Indexed, Dups OK Sire Long Int Indexed, Dups OK They could have more fields, but the essential data is in the ID, Dame and Sire fields. The Dame and Sire fields are foreign keys back to the ID field in the Dogs table itself. -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php