Thanks John. Your comment helped me through. I used a static variable for the array, array_merge_recursive() function to accumulate the foreign keys and $this->kgforeignkeys as a recursive function in a loop. This all works ok! function kgforeignkeys($tablename = "" ) { static $totalkgArr; if ( $this->connection && $tablename != "" ) { $keylist = ""; $sql = "SELECT conname, pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(oid) as condef FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r WHERE r.conrelid = (SELECT c.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) AND c.relname ~ '^" . $tablename . "$' ) AND r.contype = 'f'"; $keylist = pg_query ($this->connection, $sql); $num_rows = pg_num_rows($keylist); for ($i=0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) { $r = pg_fetch_row($keylist); // echo "Field: $r[0], $r[1] </br>"; $phrase = split("\(|\)", $r[1]); // echo "Phrase: $phrase[0], $phrase[1], $phrase[2], $phrase[3], $phrase[4] </br>"; $kgArr[$i][0][0] = $tablename; $word1 = split(",", $phrase[1]); for ($j=1; $j <= count($word1); $j++) { $kgArr[$i][0][$j] = trim($word1[$j - 1]); } $kgArr[$i][1][0] = trim(Substr($phrase[2], strrpos($phrase[2], " "))); $word2 = split(",", $phrase[3]); for ($j=1; $j <= count($word2); $j++) { $kgArr[$i][1][$j] = trim($word2[$j - 1]); } } pg_free_result ($keylist); $totalkgArr = array_merge_recursive($totalkgArr, $kgArr ); for ($h=0; $h < $num_rows; $h++) { $totalkgArr = $this->kgforeignkeys( $kgArr[$h][1][0] ); } return $totalkgArr; } else { echo 'Failed to obtain the foreign keys in ' . $tablename . '<br />'; return $totalkgArr; } } On Mon, 2003-01-27 at 19:57, John W. Holmes wrote: > [snip] > > <?php > > function Test() > > { > > static $count = 0; > > > > $count++; > > echo $count; > > if ($count < 10) { > > Test (); > > } > > $count--; > > } > > ?> > > > ************************************************************************ > ** > > * > > Interesting but I am still lost as I need some help with > > methods/functions within objects: > > In the above example do I need to access Test() by: > > > > if ($count < 10) { > > this->Test (); > > Yes, without the space: $this->Test(); > > ---John W. Holmes... > > PHP Architect - A monthly magazine for PHP Professionals. Get your copy > today. > > > -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: