hello and thank you for your time.
will the below work to check if one field or the other is
filled in upon submission? either contact_phone or contact_email is
required but not both. best, addison
$error = "";
if ($name == "")
$error = "$error<LI>You must enter a company name.</LI>";
if ($address == "")
$error = "$error<LI>You must enter an address.</LI>";
if ($city == "")
$error = "$error<LI>You must enter a city.</LI>";
if ($state == "")
$error = "$error<LI>You must enter a state.</LI>";
if ($zip == "")
$error = "$error<LI>You must enter a zip.</LI>";
if ($contact_phone == "")
$error = "$error<LI>You must enter a contact phone number or
email address.</LI>";
elseif ($contact_email == "")
$error = "$error<LI>You must enter a contact phone number or
email address.</LI>";
if ($error == "")
$query = "insert into stores set
Addison Ellis
small independent publishing co.
114 B 29th Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37203
(615) 321-1791
subsidiaries of small independent publishing co.