Marc, Here is the entire script... It is doing a lot of things you don't need so you will have to sift through it to see what you want. If you have any questions, just ask. Eddie <? require("connection.php"); if ($addbid) { # setup SQL statement $SQL = " INSERT INTO bids"; $SQL = $SQL . " (clientreqid,amount,operatorid,accepted) Values"; $SQL = $SQL . " ('$clientreqid','$amount','$operatorid',0) "; #execute SQL statement $result = mysql_db_query($db,"$SQL",$connection); } # setup SQL statement $SQL = "select id,clientid,DATE_FORMAT(departdate, '%m/%d/%y') as departdate,DATE_FORMAT(returndate, '%m/%d/%y') as returndate,departloc,numpass,craftpref,returnloc from clientreq"; #execute SQL statement $result = mysql_db_query($db,"$SQL",$connection); $bgcolor="#fffafo"; ##get the lengths $sqllength="select max(length(departloc)) as departloclen, max(length(departdest)) as departdestlen from clientreq" ?> <br> <br> <table width="95%" border="0"> <tr bgcolor="#2c1d65" border="1"> <td> </td> <td><font face="arial" size="4" color="#fffaf0"><b>Depart</td> <td><font face="arial" size="4" color="#fffaf0"><b>Location</td> <td><font face="arial" size="4" color="#fffaf0"><b># Pass</td> <td><font face="arial" size="4" color="#fffaf0"><b>Return</td> <td><font face="arial" size="4" color="#fffaf0"><b>Return</td> <td><font face="arial" size="4" color="#fffaf0"><b>Location</td> <td><font face="arial" size="4" color="#fffaf0"><b>Craft Preference</td> <td><font face="arial" size="4" color="#fffaf0"><b>Lowest Bid</td> <td><font face="arial" size="3" color="#fffaf0"><b>Add Bid</td> </tr> <? $trcolor="#F0F8FF"; while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $return='No'; $colorset=0; if ($myrow["return"]==1){ $return='Yes';} $open='No'; if ($myrow["open"]==1){ $open='Yes';} if ($trcolor=='#F0F8FF'){ $trcolor='#B0C4DE'; $colorset=1; } if ($colorset==0){ if ($trcolor=='#B0C4DE'){ $trcolor='#F0F8FF';} } if ($bidhist<>1){ # setup SQL statement $SQL3 = "select min(amount), count(*) as count1 from bids where clientreqid=".$myrow["id"].""; #execute SQL statement $result3= mysql_db_query($db,"$SQL3",$connection); $myrow3=mysql_fetch_array($result3); $count1=$myrow3["count1"]; print "<tr bgcolor='$trcolor'>"; if ($count1>0){ print"<td><a href='auction3.php?clientreqid=".$myrow["id"]."&bidhist=1'><img name='bidhist' src='plus.gif' border='0'></a></td>"; $minbid=$myrow3["min(amount)"]; } if ($count1==0){ print"<td></td>"; $minbid="No Bids"; } print"<td>".$myrow["departdate"]."</td>"; print"<td>".$myrow["departloc"]."</td>"; print"<td>".$myrow["numpass"]."</td>"; print"<td>$return</td>"; print"<td>".$myrow["returndate"]."</td>"; print"<td></td>"; print"<td>".$myrow["craftpref"]."</td>"; print"<td>$minbid</td>"; print "<td><nobr><a href='addbid.php?reqid=".$myrow["id"]. "&operatorid=$operatorid'>Add Bid</a></nobr></td></tr>"; } if ($bidhist==1){ # setup SQL statement $SQL3 = "select min(amount), count(*) as count1 from bids where clientreqid=".$myrow["id"].""; #execute SQL statement $result3= mysql_db_query($db,"$SQL3",$connection); # setup SQL statement $SQL4 = "select b.amount, DATE_FORMAT(b.timestamp, '%m/%d/%y') as timestamp, o.corpname from bids b ,operators o where and clientreqid='$clientreqid' order by b.amount,b.timestamp asc"; #execute SQL statement $result4= mysql_db_query($db,"$SQL4",$connection); $myrow3=mysql_fetch_array($result3); $count1=$myrow3["count1"]; if($clientreqid==$myrow["id"]){ print "<tr bgcolor='$trcolor'>"; if ($count1>0){ print"<td><a href='auction3.php?clientreqid=".$myrow["id"]."&bidhist=0'><img name='bidhist' src='minus.gif' border='0'></a></td>"; $minbid=$myrow3["min(amount)"]; } if ($count1==0){ print"<td></td>"; $minbid="No Bids"; } print"<td>".$myrow["departdate"]."</td>"; print"<td>".$myrow["departloc"]."</td>"; print"<td>".$myrow["numpass"]."</td>"; print"<td>$return</td>"; print"<td>".$myrow["returndate"]."</td>"; print"<td></td>"; print"<td>".$myrow["craftpref"]."</td>"; print"<td>$minbid</td>"; print "<td><nobr><a href='addbid.php?reqid=".$myrow["id"]. "&operatorid=$operatorid'>Add Bid</a></nobr></td></tr>"; print" <tr bgcolor='#2c1d65' border='1'>"; print"<td bgcolor=$bgcolor></td>"; print"<td bgcolor=$bgcolor></td>"; print"<td><font face='arial' size='2' color=$bgcolor><b>Bid History</td>"; print" <td><font face='arial' size='2' color=$bgcolor><b>Operator</td>"; print" <td><font face='arial' size='2' color=$bgcolor><b>Bid</td>"; print" <td><font face='arial' size='2' color=$bgcolor><b>Bid Date</td>"; print"<td bgcolor=$bgcolor></td>"; print"<td bgcolor=$bgcolor></td>"; print"<td bgcolor=$bgcolor></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=$bgcolor></td></tr>"; while ($myrow4 = mysql_fetch_array($result4)){ print "<tr bgcolor='$trcolor'>"; print"<td bgcolor=$bgcolor></td>"; print"<td bgcolor=$bgcolor></td>"; print"<td bgcolor=$bgcolor></td>"; print"<td>".$myrow4["corpname"]."</td>"; print"<td>".$myrow4["amount"]."</td>"; print"<td>".$myrow4["timestamp"]."</td>"; print"<td bgcolor=$bgcolor></td>"; print"<td bgcolor=$bgcolor></td>"; print"<td bgcolor=$bgcolor></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=$bgcolor></td></tr>"; } } if($clientreqid<>$myrow["id"]){ print "<tr bgcolor='$trcolor'>"; if ($count1>0){ print"<td><a href='auction3.php?clientreqid=".$myrow["id"]."&bidhist=1'><img name='bidhist' src='plus.gif' border='0'></a></td>"; $minbid=$myrow3["min(amount)"]; } if ($count1==0){ print"<td></td>"; $minbid="No Bids"; } print"<td>".$myrow["departdate"]."</td>"; print"<td>".$myrow["departloc"]."</td>"; print"<td>".$myrow["numpass"]."</td>"; print"<td>$return</td>"; print"<td>".$myrow["returndate"]."</td>"; print"<td></td>"; print"<td>".$myrow["craftpref"]."</td>"; print"<td>$minbid</td>"; print "<td><nobr><a href='addbid.php?reqid=".$myrow["id"]. "&operatorid=$operatorid'>Add Bid</a></nobr></td></tr>"; } } } print"</table>"; ?> -----Original Message----- From: Marc Bleuler [] Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 2:11 PM To:; Subject: Re: [PHP] build menu with mysql data Hi Eddie, This is exactly what I'm looking for. I don't have some code today that's why I'm posting to the newsgroup. The only working thing I have today is the listing of the "main db" It looks a bit whired since I copy past it from the file. Could you post some of your code? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- print "$html_body_in"; print "<b>Systems</b><br><br>"; print "<table border=\"0\" width=\"900\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"font-size: 10pt\">"; print "<tr>"; print "<td width=\"20\"><b></b></td>"; print "<td width=\"130\"><b>Name</b></a></td>"; print "<td width=\"130\"><b>Vendor</b></td>"; print "<td width=\"620\"><b>Description</b><b></td>"; print "\t</tr>\n"; print "</table>\n"; $query="SELECT system.*, vendor.* FROM system, vendor where system.VENDOR = vendor.ID order by system.NAME ASC"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $system_id=mysql_result($result,$i,"system.ID"); $system_name=mysql_result($result,$i,"system.NAME"); $vendor_name=mysql_result($result,$i,"vendor.NAME"); $vendor_id=mysql_result($result,$i,"vendor.ID"); $system_description=mysql_result($result,$i,"system.DESCRIPTION"); print "<table border=\"0\" width=\"900\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"font-size: 10pt\">"; print "<tr>"; print "<td width=\"20\"><a href=\"index.php?$LINK&ACTION=system&SUB=systemdetail&sysid=$system_id\"><im g border=\"0\" src=\"$plus_gif\" alt=\"extract $system_name\"></a></td>"; print "<td width=\"130\"><a href=\"index.php?$LINK&ACTION=system&SUB=systemdetail&sysid=$system_id\">$sy stem_name</a></td>"; print "<td width=\"130\"><a href=\"index.php?$LINK&ACTION=system&SUB=vendordetail&vendorid=$vendor_id\"> $vendor_name</a></td>"; print "<td width=\"520\">$system_description</td>"; print "<td width=\"25\"><a href=\"index.php?$LINK&ACTION=system&SUB=systemdetail&sysid=$system_id\"><im g border=\"0\" src=\"$edit_gif\" alt=\"edit $system_name\" width=\"12\" height=\"12\"></a></td>"; print "<td width=\"25\"><a href=\"index.php?$LINK&ACTION=admin&SUB=useradd\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"$new_gif\" alt=\"add Useraccount\" width=\"12\" height=\"12\"></a></td>"; print "<td width=\"50\"><a href=\"index.php?$LINK&ACTION=system&SUB=systemdetail&sysid=$system_id\"><im g border=\"0\" src=\"$delete_gif\" alt=\"delete $system_name\" width=\"12\" height=\"12\"></a></td>"; print "</tr>"; print "</table>"; ++$i; } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- br Marc print "$html_body_out"; "Edward Peloke" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag"> > Marc, > > I did something sort of along these lines with an 'auction' site I worked > on. I displayed rows from a db. If the row had bid information in the db > (or your case submenu info) then a + sign icon was displayed next to it. IF > the plus sign was clicked, the page would reload and the bid or submenu info > would be displayed and the + sign would change to a - sign to give the > appearence of a tree menu. Can you post some of your code? > > Eddie > > -----Original Message----- > From: Marc Bleuler [] > Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 12:31 PM > To:; > Subject: [PHP] build menu with mysql data > > > Hi, > > I would like to bild a tree menu with mySQL data. where I have the collapsed > main menue and when I click the link the specific submenue expands (as > follow). > > (collapsed Main Menu) > + Home > + Downloads > + About me > + Search > > ....and for example if I click the "Download" section it will look as > follow.... > > (expanded Main-Sub Menu) > + Home > + Downloads > - Music > - Programm > + About me > + Search > > ....and the SQL Tables... > > MAINMENUE_TABLE > ID NAME > ----------------------------- > | 1 | Home | > | 2 | Downloads | > | 3 | About me | > | 4 | Search | > > ....and.... > > SUBMENUE_TABLE > ID MAIN_ID NAME URL > ------------------------------------------------------------------- > | 1 | 2 | Music | > ./somefile.php?action=music > | 2 | 2 | Programm | > ./somefile.php?action=programm > | 3 | 3 | Pictures | > ./somefile.php?action=pictures > | 4 | 3 | Address | > ./somefile.php?action=address > | 5 | 4 | My Page | > ./somefile.php?action=mypage > | 6 | 4 | The Web | > ./somefile.php?action=theweb > | 7 | 4 | Google | > ./somefile.php?action=google > > > If I'm using a while loop it won't work, so I realy don't have and more > ideas... > Please consider in your explanations I'm a PHP beginner... :-) > > thanks > Marc > > > > -- > PHP General Mailing List ( > To unsubscribe, visit: > -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: