A couple of questions of efficiency, please: 1. If I am creating a web page with numerous PHP calls to an MySQL database is it more efficient to have lots of small blocks of php in an html page or is it better to have just one or two big blocks of PHP with the html code being delivered via echo statements? 2. If I want to know how many rows there are in a MySQL table, I can either use the count function in MySQL (although I am having trouble figuring out how to capture that value in a variable) or I can do a general "select * from" from command in MySQL and then use the mysql_num_rows function in PHP to get a row count (which is dead easy). It SEEMS to me the former would be more efficient. Am I correct? Many thanks! Jeffrey Baumgartner eBusiness Consultant - ITP Europe http://www.itp-europe.com j.baumgartner@itp-europe.com +32 2 721 51 00 -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php