Hi, In my application I am passing a date field to the postgres stored procedure. The problem is when the date field is blank. My code is like this : ----------------------------------------------------------------- <TH>Bill Date:</TH> <TD> <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="txtBillDate" VALUE="<? echo $txtBillDate ?>" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=10> </TD> ----------------------------------------------------------------- I pass the parameters to the stored procedure like this : ----------------------------------------------------------------- $sSql = "select grn_actions ('FREE','$sYearId','$sUserId',1,1,'$hdnGrnType', '$txtGrnNumber','$txtGrnDate', '', '', '', '$txtSupplierCode','$txtBillNumber','$txtBillDate', '$txtChallanNumber','$ParamStr') as tr_id"; ----------------------------------------------------------------- No if in the above case $txtBillDate is blank, php throws the following error : ----------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQL query failed: ERROR: Bad date external representation '' in /home/rajesh/public_html/inv/php/INVGoodsReceiptNoteFreeAddUpd.php on line 478 ----------------------------------------------------------------- My stored procedure declaration is as below : ----------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION grn_actions(varchar,char,char,integer,integer,char,char,date,char,char,char,char,varchar,date,varchar,varchar) returns char as ' DECLARE vdocument_type alias for $1; cyear_id alias for $2; cuser_id alias for $3; iform_id alias for $4; iaction_id alias for $5; cgrn_type alias for $6; cgrn_number alias for $7; dgrn_date alias for $8; cpurchase_order_year_id alias for $9; cpurchase_order_type alias for $10; cpurchase_order_number alias for $11; csupplier_code alias for $12; vbill_number alias for $13; dbill_date alias for $14; vchallan_number alias for $15; funcparam_str alias for $16; ----------------------------------------------------------------- Can anybody tell me how should I pass the date in case it is blank ? The above field txtBillDate can be blank is certain cases. Thanks in advance. Peace -- Rajesh : ####[ GNU/Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]####################### Sub : Linux Commands (#1) LOST #021 No consolidated command list. Do an ls for the following dirs: /sbin, /usr/sbin ... for system related commands /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin ... for user commands /usr/X11R6/bin ... for X program commands ####<bish@nde.vsnl.net.in>#################################### : -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php