Hi, I'm having a big problem with php and Oracle.
I'm using Oracle 8.1.6 and PHP 4.2 with the Oracle component in a Solaris
server, I can not recompile apache and php to install the oci8 component
and I'm having lot of problems with CLOBs, I'm receiving this error:
Warning: Ora_Exec failed (ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes -- while
processing OCI function OEXEC/OEXN) in
/var/www/espejo/includes/con.php on line 107
Line 107 contains this code:
The query is:
SELECT Title, NewsDate, Content FROM inf_news WHERE ID_News = 5
Where Title is VarChar, NewsDate is Date and Content is a CLOB
It works fine if the query doesn't contain a CLOB.
Any suggestion???
Jadiel Flores
(52-55) 52-29-80-34
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