I am retrieving text stored in a database, and I want to strip out any HTML
tags and then only display the first 30 characters with "..." to show the
user that there is more text to view.
My problem is with stripping out HTML tags, the code is stripping out the
text enclosed within the HTML tags as well.
Here is the code I am using:
$pat = "<{1}.+>{1}";
if (ereg("text", $type)){ //if the field type is text look for HTML
tags to remove
$content_array[$c] = ereg_replace($pat, '', $content_array[$c]);
$content_array[$c] = substr($content_array[$c], 1, 30);
$content_array[$c] = $content_array[$c]."...";
echo $content_array[$c];
What should the correct $pat be?
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