Try grouping your WHERE clauses with parentheses like so: select * FROM OrderTable WHERE ( submitted=1 AND dateinserted>='1036386000' AND dateinserted<='1036502796' AND order_status='Shipped' ) OR order_status='Not Shipped' I can never remember whether SQL is left-to-right, right-to-left, or some other deviant. Using parens is a sure way to guarantee that your statements are processed in the order you desire. --Dave Aaron Wolski wrote: > Hi All, > > I have a query like: > > select * FROM OrderTable WHERE submitted=1 AND > dateinserted>='1036386000' AND dateinserted<='1036502796' AND > order_status='Shipped' OR order_status='Not Shipped' > > > Now.. if I omit the "AND order_status='Shipped' OR order_status='Not > Shipped'" part the query works fine and only returns 2 results (as > expected). However, with the inclusion of the previous I get all the > results (currently 8) returned. > > It seems to be ignoring everything before "AND order_status='Shipped' OR > order_status='Not Shipped'". > > Any clues? > > Much thanks! > > Aaron > -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: