I discovered recently that it was impossible to bind an output placeholder plsql (an input work only). Configuration 1 : Suse + Oracle 8i17 + oci (oracle) + PHP4.2.3 Configuration 2 : HPUX11 + Oracle 8i17 + oci(oracle) + PHP4.2.3 Configuration 3 : HPUX11 + Oracle 8i17 + oci(oracle) + PHP4.2.2 With script : inoutdemo.sql CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE inoutdemo (par_in IN VARCHAR2, par_in_out IN OUT VARCHAR2, par_out OUT VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN par_out:=par_in; par_in_out:=par_in||' '||par_in_out; END; $db=OCILogon("toto","titi"); $stmt=OCIParse($db,"BEGIN inoutdemo(:in,:inout,:out);END;"); OCIBindByName($stmt,":in",$in,32); OCIBindByName($stmt,":inout",$inout,32); OCIBindByName($stmt,":out",$out,32); $in="Hello "; $inout="World!"; OCIExecute($stmt); echo $in."\n".$inout."\n".$out."\n"; //Result Warning: OCIStmtExecute: ORA-06550: line 1, column 17: PLS-00553: character set name is not recognized ORA-06550: line 0, column 0: PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated in /opt/apache/htdocs/fab.php4 on line 58 Hello World! I tested this script with the 3 configurations but it's the same error I changed $in, &inout , &out into $&in, $&out, $&inout but it's the same error Please help me !!! Fabien JOSEPH -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php