Hi all, I have a file I need to insert into a blob in a interbase table. Code as follows: $filehandle = fopen($file, "r"); $blob_id = ibase_blob_import($filehandle); $qry = "INSERT INTO BPFATTACHMENTS "; $qry = $qry . "(BPFATTACHMENTNO, BPF, ATTACHMENTTYPE, FILENAME, FILESIZE, ATTACHMENT)"; $qry = $qry . "VALUES"; $qry = $qry . "($bpfAttNo, $BPFNo, $AttachmentType, '$file_name', $file_size, ?);"; $res = ibase_query($qry, $blob_id); I have a ibase_pconnect prior to this. The problem is that is only adds a tiny part of the file (ie 5k of the 200k file) What should I be looking for? Thanks David Russell IT Support Manager Barloworld Optimus (Pty) Ltd Tel: +2711 444-7250 Fax: +2711 444-7256 e-mail: DavidR@BarloworldOptimus.com web: www.BarloworldOptimus.com
Description: application/pkcs7-signature