Hello, I am attempting to grab an image from a MySQL table and echo it back to a browser like so: <img border="1" src="./get_photo.php?image_id=<? echo $image_id; ?>"> <----------------- Begin Code for WORKING NON-THUMBNAIL get_photo.php -----------------------------------> if( $image_id ) <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> { $sql = "SELECT image_bin_data, image_filetype from IMAGES where image_id=$image_id"; $result = db_query ( $sql ); $record = db_fetch_object ( $result ); $type = $record->image_filetype; $image = $record->image_bin_data; Header( "Content-type: $type"); echo $image; }; <----------------- End Code for WORKING NON-THUMBNAIL get_photo.php -----------------------------------> However, All I get is broken links. I think I am just not understanding how all the Image functions need to line up. I do have GD compiled into PHP. I have been trying to get this to work for quite a while now, so any help would be appreciated. <----------------- Begin Code for NON-WORKING THUMBNAIL get_photo.php -----------------------------------> <? include ( "./includes/common/common.php" ); if( $image_id ) { $sql="SELECT image_bin_data, image_filetype from IMAGES where image_id=$image_id"; $result=db_query ( $sql ); $record=db_fetch_object ( $result ); $type=$record->image_filetype; $image=$record->image_bin_data; $new_w=75; $new_h=75; Header("Content-type: $type"); $dst_img=ImageCreate($new_w, $new_h); $src_img=ImageCreateFromGif($image); ImageCopyResized($dst_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$new_w,$new_h,ImageSX($src_img),I mageSY($src_img)); imageGif($dst_img); echo $src_img; imagedestroy($dst_img); imagedestroy($src_img); } ?> <----------------- End Code for get_photo.php -----------------------------------> ------------------------------------------- Randy Rankin, MCSE Network Management Professional IBM Global Services randy.rankin@smith-blair.com Phone:(870) 773-5148 Fax: (870) 773-5211