> Here's what I'd like to know: Is there a PHP function for easily finding and removing a line >from a flat file of data. And, if not, is there a way to remove a line (or lines) after finding them >using fget()? Easy way to do this is with file(). It'll read the entire file into an array, with each array element being a line of the file. Use array_search() to find the line you're looking for, then unset() that element. //line to look for $search = "..."; $file = file("file.txt"); $key = array_search($search,$file); if($key === FALSE) { echo "line not found"; } else { unset($file[$key]); } //write corrected file back to disk $fp = fopen("file.txt"); fwrite($fp,implode("\n",$file); fclose($fp); Adapt to your needs... ---John Holmes... -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php