hi this is my class for login class login{ public $currentUser; private $_uname , $_password; function setData($uname,$pass){ require_once'safeworld.php'; $obj= new safeworld; $this->_uname = $obj->safeString($uname); $this->_password = $obj->safeString($pass); } function doLogin(){ $query_string = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = '".$this->_uname."' and password = '".$this->_password."'"; $q = mysql_query($query_string); if(mysql_num_rows($q)<1){ throw new Exception("incorrect data"); }else{ $this->setSession('admin'); } } protected function setSession($meen){ $_SESSION['is_logged']= true; $_SESSION['meen']= $meen; } } function isLoggedin($meen){ //if(isset($_SESSION['is_logged'])){ echo "ssssssssssssssss"; // $this->currentUser = $meen; //return true; //}else{ //return false; //} } function sentData(){ if(isset($_POST['username']) and isset($_POST['password'])){ return true; }else{ return false; } } and this is the implementation <? //here //are //some //comments //only for the line number require_once "classes/login.php"; $obj = new login; if(!$obj->isLoggedin('admin')){ if($obj->sentData()){ $this->setData($_POST['username'],$_POST['password']); $this->doLogin(); }else{ require_once("../templates/loginForm.php"); } }else{ header("Location:admin.php"); } ?> and this is the result Fatal error: Call to undefined method login::isLoggedin() in C:\xampp\htdocs\5iblog\login.php on line 10 as you can see the method is defined although the error message !!