a .gz file is NOT a tar file (yet). It's a Gzipped file. Tar files, aren't compressed, so it's common practice to gzip them after they have been created. To actually get to the tar file you first need to gUNzip it: gunzip {filename} Then you can use the tar -xvf {filename} on the tar file. --- In php-objects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, manika bhatia <manika_bhatia@...> wrote: > > thanks > I am open tar file file using comand <?php system("tar -xvzf admin.tar.gz");?> I am running my php script through command prompt using Putty Server > but it is giving error no such file or directory > > --- On Fri, 6/3/09, Rajesh Gupta (रा�) <gupta.software@...> wrote: