Hi All, I have a new problem now, I have a table(agreement) with 15 fields/column, and i have 2 page, on first page there is 10 forms fields, and on 2nd page 5 forms fields. when user(arvind) will come on first page, will fill all the 10fields and will click submit button, all the 10 fields info will store in table, and the user(arvind) will reach on 2nd page and here he will again fill all the 5 fields and will click submit. how i can do that ? I know normal update query which does update existing data, but here case is differ, i don't need to update existing data, i need to add rest 5 fields to fill by new data. I hope all of u wil understand my probs, i tried to explain as much as i can. waiting for help. Thanks, Arvind