-I'll answer my own question replace the final "con:" with "-" and every thing works as expected. -- In php-objects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "thomasofneedham" <tbirchmire@...> wrote: > > I have $exccmd = 'c:\gpsmancer\gpsbabel\gpsbabel.exe -i > garmin,get_posn -f com4 -o kml -F con: ' ; in my code. > When the statement is executed on the winXP command box, the return is > a series of xml lines in the general form > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> > <kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1" ... > > When I execute > $output = passthru($exccmd, $return); > There is no output returned > There is no output when the exec() statement is executed as well. > The passthru() and exec() commands work as expected in other places in > the code when other commands are executed. Perhaps it's a Gpsbabel thing? > gpsbabel works correctly when the output goes to a file. >